What is a Key in Music? Understanding the Scale of a Song

What is a Key in Music? Understanding the Scale of a Song

It is known that such a primary aggregation of pitches or notes could refer to the foundation of harmony of a piece.

In fact, pitches in a song usually come from one scale; hence, the foundation of the key used for that particular song becomes a scale.

What is a Key in Music?

What is a Key in Music?For example,

  • If you have a song that is made from notes of the C Major Scale, it will most probably be in the key of C major (C, D, E, F, G, A, B).
  • If a song were made using notes from the A Minor Scale, it would then most likely be in A minor as it shares the same notes as C major.

What is a Key in Music? So, then, what is Key?

So, what is actually Key? This is an easy way to find chords and notes in a particular song arrangement: by the key.

In simple terms, if the song is in C, its major tones are C and the notes from C Major Scale, respectively. Other songs claim a D for their major scale shifts.

Importance of Knowing Your Key

  • This information can help musicians quickly determine which chords and notes are used in a musical work.
  • It shows the structure of the song and how it was composed.
  • Some songs keep to the key strictly, while others make use of accidentals are notes that are produced out of the key.

How do you find the Key of a Song (4 Easiest Methods)?

Method 1: Check Key Signature

  • If a score is there, one would see at the beginning of any piece the key signature tells what key it is in.
  • Count the number of sharps (#) and flats (♭) in the key signature.


  • None of them → C Major or A Minor.
  • One sharp (F#) → G Major or E Minor.

Method 2: Identify the Chords

  • Find the chords mostly used in the song.
  • Sometimes, the first or last chord can be an indication of the key; however, it wouldn’t be right all the time.


  • If C, F, and G were the chords mainly used in a song, it is likely in C Major.
  • Usage of A Minor, D Minor, and E indicates its probable place in A Minor.

Method 3: Analyze the Notes

  • Identify the notes that have played the most throughout the song.
  • Assuming the song notes fit within D Major (D, E, F#, G, A, B, C#), it’s probably in D Major.

Method 4: Software

Music software programs like Guitar Pro or digital audio works like DAWs do analyses and tell you what key it is in.

Differentiating between Major and Minor Keys

For each key signature, there are always two keys: a major key and its minor relative, three tones away from it.


  • One sharp (F#) could mean G Major or E Minor.
  • One flat (B♭) could mean F Major or D Minor. Identify whether a song is in a major or in a minor:
How to Tell Major from Minor Keys

Keys share the same key signature, so for every key signature, there are two keys, one major and the other relative minor-three semitones lower than the major key.


  • One sharp (F#): G Major or E Minor.
  • One flat (B♭): F Major or D Minor.
How to decide if a song is major or minor:
  1. Whether the melody starts or ends on a major or minor chord.
  2. The mood: happy-bright compositions tend to sound in major and darker and emotional in minor.

What is a Key in Music FAQs?

Searching the Key of a Song

What is the easiest way to find a song key?

The easiest way to find a song key is by checking the key signature from any given sheet of music.

If no key signature is provided, the key can be determined through the analysis of the chords and/or notes.

Does the first chord of a song always indicate its key?

Not always. Some songs have intros that are in the same chord as the key. Lots do not.

The first chord in itself fails most times. In many cases, the last chord would be a better clue upon a reliable basis.

What is a Key in Music?
What is a Key in Music? Photo Credit
What are the 7 basic notes?

In music, there are seven basic note values; each note represents a different length of sound.

They are as follows:

  1. Whole Notation – Also known as Semibreve in British English.
  2. Half Note – Called the Minim in the UK.
  3. Quarter Note – Known as the Crotchet in British terminology.
  4. Eighth Note – Referred to as the Quaver.
  5. Sixteenth Note – Known as the Semiquaver.
  6. Thirty-Second Note – Called the Demisemiquaver.
  7. Sixty-Fourth Note – Also known as Hemidemisemiquaver.

All these durations of notes are linked to rests which indicate the duration’s silence.